Central New York Association of Professional Geologists

Sponsorship Donations

Advertising for CNYAPG Newsletters

This option includes your advertisement in our nine monthly newsletters and on our web site, as well as a full screen slide at our monthly dinner meetings. Click here to see an example of a recent newsletter. Currently, CNYAPG has over 400 individuals on our mailing list. The following opportunities are available:

Business card size: $100.00/year

Quarter page: $250.00/year

Half page: $325.00/year

Full page: $500.00/ year

To advertise in our newsletter, please complete form below. Also please submit an electronic advertisement (in jpeg format) to Sean Pepling (spepling@pwinc.com). The same advertisement used in the newsletter will be shown on the slideshow during our monthly meetings.

Student Dinner Meeting Sponsorship

To increase student involvement in our organization, CNYAPG has a student sponsorship program. This option allows for your company to provide students with a reduced cost of the dinner meeting. The actual number of student sponsors and the number of students attending a particular meeting will determine the extent that the dinner cost is offset for each student. Student sponsorship is $90.00 per year per student (9 meetings at $10.00 per meeting). In return, your company will receive recognition in our newsletters and at each monthly meeting. If you would like to sponsor one or more students, please complete the form below.

Student Scholarship Award Sponsorship

Each year the CNYAPG sponsors a competitive scholarship open to local college students who are involved in research in pursuit of geoscience degree. Scholarship applications are solicited in the Fall of the academic year and a total $1,000 is awarded to one or more recipients in the following February. To support the scholarship fund, please complete the form below.

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Contact Information

*First name
*Last name
List your employer or affiliation. if you are a student list your college or university.
Preferred Phone
Zip Code
*Amount ($USD)
Select your level of sponsorship.
To have your logo or advertisement included in the newsletter, e-mail a .jpg or .png file to info@cnyapg.org attention: Newsletter Ad
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